Börries Brakebusch CV


1996 Graduation as Dipl.-Rest. (FH) at the University of Applied Sciences, Cologne CICS
diploma thesis: „The mechanichal and physical behaviour of paintings on canvas“

1991-1996 University of Applied Sciences, Cologne CICS
(TH Köln)
Fachbereich Konservierung und Restaurierung von Kunst- und Kulturgut
Studienrichtung Gemälde/Skulptur)

1993 Auslandsstipendium Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft
internship (7 months) at the Victoria & Albert Museum London, Paintings Conservation Department

1987/1988 Universität Regensburg
Art history and ethnographic studies,(Prof. J. Träger)


  • since 2017 lecturer at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, dept. of art history
  • since 2012 member of the Karl Hofer Komitee
  • since 2004 BRAKEBUSCH conservation studio
    owner and head of conservation studio for paintings and polychromed objects
  • 1999 -2004 R.Friedelt & B. Brakebusch GbR, Jülicherstr. 14, 40477 Düssel dorf, coowner, working as freelance conservator in the field of paintings conservation and conservation of works of modern art
  • 1997- 1999 B. Brakebusch & S. Fischer GbR, Linienstr. 144, 10115 Berlin
    coowner, working as freelance conservator in the field of paintings conservation and conservation of works of modern art
  • 1993 Victoria&Albert Museum, London internship (7 months) Paintings Conservation Department,
    main focus 19th century british paintings
  • 1991-1996 Dr. S. Euler-Künsemüller und R. Friedelt projects Sept. 96-Aug.97 working as employed conservator in the field of
    paintings conservation and conservation of works of modern art with main focus on Modern and Contemporary Art