BRAKEBUSCH conservation studio
Gaußstr. 20
40345 Düsseldorf
Fon +49 211 6878937
Fax +49 211 6878939
The studio is open by appointment only.
You may also use our contact form. There you can leave a
message and attach a photo or description to your message.
Enter the Gaußstr. from the Bruchstraße only
The Entry to the Gaußstr. lies next to the rail gates
Follow Signs to ALDI past parkinglot REWE
Entry is next on your left between chained capstans
S-Bahnhof Flingern S8, S28, S68
tram 719 stop Hoffeldstr, tram 706 stop Flingern Station
Bus Linie 725, 738, Stop Bruchstraße