BRAKEBUSCH conservation studio offers professional conservation and restoration services for paintings and painted objects.

works of modern and contemporary art represent the major focus of our work. With the same expertise and dedication we care for Old Masters and works of the 19th century.

Our work builds around the unique work of art.
Conservation and restoration treatments mean intervention within the material object of art. Every work of art is singular and specific and requires adequate examination and tailored treatment. Expertise, Experience, Manual skills and diligence form our essential work basis.

The adaption of new materials for art purposes requires continuous  pursuit of material properties and development of new methods in restoration of contemporary art. We have successfully met these  Challenges  for over 20 years.
We have done  restoration treatments on around 3.500 artworks by more than 500 different artists.

Brakebusch Restaurierungswerkstatt Düsseldorf